Dogs make you smile
We love dogs at the Rose & Crown and they are welcome to stay in the majority of our bedroom. Dogs are also welcome in the bar area on a lead where we serve lunch, evening meals and breakfast if requested!
Leave your paw print
If you have a photo of your dog in or around the Rose & Crown, please submit your photo and leave your own paw print!
Propping up the bar on New Year's Eve.
In the bar on his pre-Christmas stay.
Catching some rays of sunshine in her bedroom.
Enjoying a serious snooze after a long walk in the countryside.
Dexter & Yoko
In the lounge during their holiday.
Warming himself by the bar fire.
Loved the fluffy beds in the bar and the sausages at breakfast!
Waiting for a sausage (which he got!)
In the bar for dinner having enjoyed a little bit of spare pork!
Share your paw print
Use the form below to submit your photo so your dog can leave their paw
print on the Dog Hall of Fame!